Follow along as I prep my zone 6b, New Jersey garden for winter.
Despite my protests, winter has a funny habit of arriving in my garden each year. Strange how that happens!
Here are six tasks that I complete when I put my New Jersey garden to bed in winter.
Beyond adding mulch, which my lawn people help me add each December, I think of the acronym "W I N T E R" as a way to remember the different tasks I try to complete each fall.
W=Wrap Evergreens
In the past, I was a little too slapdash about protecting my evergreens and learned the hard way. Case in point, the picture of my boxwood shrub above. Brown sections on evergreens are not attractive! That's why I now take the time each year to wrap what I can to protect my evergreens from winter burn. Winter burn occurs when evergreens start to photosynthesize on warm, sunny days, but then lose too much moisture and dry out.
Did you know that evergreens with yellow coloring and younger plants are in particular need of winter protection ?